Advertise / Sponsor
Thank you to all our sponsors and advertisers who made the Black Cherry Fair 2023 such a success!
For nearly 600 years the Black Cherry Fair has been a great way to advertise your business and show your support for the local community.
The event has survived for so long due to the fantastic involvement of local and nationwide companies who sponsor the fair and advertise in our famous annual programme.

Advertise in the programme
Our free programme is full of information about the Black Cherry Fair and Town Procession with details of arena and music stage events on both the Friday evening before the Fair and the Fair Day itself. It has a £100 free prize draw, children’s colouring competition and new to 2021, access to the 1440 Treasure Hunt!
The programme is distributed free to the public via local shops at the beginning of July. It's extremely popular and a great way to advertise and be seen to support your local community.
It's easy to apply
Simply fill in the advertisement application form and we will contact you with regard to layout and design. We are happy to create a simple layout for you if you do not have your own design.
Full colour page £150
Full page £140
Half page £85
Quarter page £45
Inside cover £160
Advertise on the day
On the day you can advertise in many areas, with banners around the arena or on billboards around the event.
And if you advertise in the main arena you can get your banner free, courtesy of SIGN
MEDIA Ashford .
banner offer £120 main arena advertising with free banner
banner around site £ 50
boards around the ground £40 per board
Sponsorship at the Black Cherry Fair
Our sponsors are very important to us. We have several areas that require special attention and special companies to support them!
As a sponsor at the fair we make sure your business is advertised through every aspect of the event from social media and the programme aswell as on ground and through tannoy announcements throughout the day of the event. We are lucky to get coverage from local newspapers and we make sure that our sponsors get maximum coverage!
Take a look at the possible sponsorships on the form attached or email us at
admin@blackcherryfair.com to arrange a personalized package to suit your company.